Other Services
- Bill Pay
- MASTERCARD Debit Cards
- ATM Cards
- Safe Deposit Boxes
- Transfer Overdraft Protection
- Foreign Currency Services
- Incoming/Outgoing Wire Transfers
- ACH Electronic Services
- Cashier's Checks
- First Phonebank: A free 24/7 telephone access to current information on your checking and savings accounts as well as CDs and loans. In the Uvalde area call: (830) 278-4400 or in the Carrizo Springs area call: (830) 876-5100.
Why choose a Safe Deposit Box over a Personal Safe?
- Personal safe can be easily removed from home.
- Safe Deposit Box is protected by vault door and a security system that is monitored by a professional monitoring company.
- Personal safe can potentially be harmed in a fire or damaged by flooding.
- Safe Deposit Box contents are always kept confidential; not even financial institutions can or should know about the contents of your box. Personal safe can be convenient for items needed more frequently.
More information:
- Safe Deposit Box are not insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or financial institution, due to the unknown contents of your box. You must use your Home Owner's Insurance.
- Both personal safe and safe deposit boxes are not 100% protected against natural or man-made disasters. Always keep contents in air-tight plastic bags or containers that are watertight.